beyond the fifth dime mention.......

beyond the fifth dime're floggin’ a dead horse. ...........Wasting your time........ milking it ......... burning bridges ....... it's run it's course.
Yes supporting the notion that all things have a shelf life, everything has it's time and you can eventually experience in real life some of the phrases your (grand)mother tried to teach you. The often slated 'stitch in time' or rolling stone' sayings and proverbs which were overlooked vehicles of wisdom to those of us previously too busy getting somewhere to actually bother with directions or a map.
A bird in the hand being worth two in the bush, making hay while the sun shines coupled with the myth that Solomon’s wisdom was based on his knowledge and application of apt proverbs for every situation totally reinforces Rumi's suggestion that understanding the word astronomy does not make you an astronomer.
Several developments are currently underway concerning dime that will take it into a different dimension of commercial reality – choices and decisions are now presenting, frankly……. I’m planning on being a bit wise about them.