
the views and opinions expressed in this blog do not belong to the company dime, but merely reflect the personal opinions of it's recently appointed chief bottlewasher and brand architect Michael (Mick A.K.A. clevercelt)

Friday, March 03, 2006

F.E.A.R. Friday Evening And Rushing

It's Friday evening late, I've (belatedly) discovered transliteracy today and I'm a very happy bunny, been working pretty hard all day and now I'm off for a nice dinner with friends (late as usual). Life is sweet at the moment and when things start going this well, I start wondering...... What is it I'm missing ?

Got so much to do tomorrow I'll just have to take some time out (breaking my no Saturdays rule) and blog about the whole area of transliteracy - after a bit more research obviously, I finally found a phrase which I believe actually applies to me.


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