The emerging rites and wrongs of spring

With the day that's in it, being not only st brigids day but also the beginning of spring, (for some of us any way) A sense of renewal has dominated. Lots going on in the world, Google down, credit still going up, and we're busy organizing ourselves while getting the work done for our clients.
I read today about the 5 media lab physicists who have set up a new company and how they are about to receive $35mio for their RFID stuff...interesting figure. The whole media lab Europe thing here in Dublin was a bit of a disappointment, I became involved a little with a couple of the researchers there when I was working for Microsoft and I honestly thought some of the stuff they were doing in the mindgames group around biometric feedback and alpha waves was absolutely amazing, I believed it had tremendous commercial potential, however there wasn't a mechanism to commercialize their research, like doah !!!! who should get a design slap for that one.
So some folks over at MIT are now also talking about the development of a $100 laptop for children from....and get this.....emerging economies...oh ok...where there is poor people in a country we'll call it an economy and in ireland...well...their research might not add up to much in any instance.... they're partners.... until the fan gets hit. Yes I did once share a page in the Irish times with Mr. Negroponte back in 1999, he upright receiving £25,000,000 grant assistance from the Irish Government towards media lab Europe and I prostrate begging for £2.3 mio VC money for the first ever officially licensed game development company in Ireland.....6 years later....only one of us is contributing to the Irish and European economy.
But enough of that backward looking whining, spring is surely about looking forward and after the day I've had I'm really looking forward to my bed......
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