One Black and White Button

Thank God today we live in more colourful and hopefully more tolerant times. Technology has contributed to that progress and evolution. Today’s technology is evolving at a faster rate than ever before. So you would hope the progress also.
Today’s digital media tools focus on ease of use, simplicity and intuitive functionality – you also hear the words productivity and value bandied about abit. Lots of talk and speculation in relation to what this tools zenith might actually be ? One button functionality ? Having literally grown up without the software, using something like flash, AE & premiere becomes a joy, no doubt today’s design students look at something like 3Dmax for the first time and recognise the implicit simplicity hiding between all those interface complexities. The promised mergers between technology, artistry, commerce and design are genuinely happening today. However tools remain mere objects until the skills, experience and insight are gained to allow them to become catalysts of expression. Somehow I feel continued evolution towards that ‘single button’ just won’t be as simple as black and white.
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