The fastest bun on the planet & lots of frog kissing.

So it remains today, a simple rule that applied to buns 30 years ago has the same validity today, the cherries and fresh cream have been replaced by xhtml,CSS,PHP,DVD,HD, Media planning requirements and marketing management techniques. The flour and yeast of creative thinking, collateral and asset development may drive product and service offerings for our clients today and a lot of the time, the client doesn't fully understand the detail of our ingredients, But it sure is prudent for us to display potential prototypes and mock-ups, despite the time commitments.
Armed with such tools we all have a better chance of showing 'applicable capabilities' in context. The one drawback of course is you could find yourself in the 'kissing a lot of frogs scenario' before the prince actually appears i.e. you actually get the gig.
So that's my reason for not blogging yesterday, ( not kissing frogs!) we were actually that consumed working on mock ups for potential clients that would illustrate the 'general visual jist' of what could be achieved on a full budget, the clock passed 12 and a new bloggless day was born. doah...
We'll find out on Monday or Tuesday of next week whether they like it or not.
rib it.
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