Awarded on merit & marketing ?

Developments abound ! (whatever that means exactly!) ok it's my shortest excuse for my blogging commitment slipping down the dime priority list. The last four weeks have been extremely busy - new clients and projects coming on board, office logistics and backend business stuff coming to the fore ! now that last statement surely holds hostage at least 2 of the eight parts of speech.
Obviously a few happenings in the world & world of digital media since last I blogged, official confirmation of the delays to the PS3 being of major financial significance to sony's share price, denial of the apparent decline in proper English language usage spreading to the Italian language, bird flu - or rather he stopped flying ! voting for the GDC front line awards opening up in the US, manufacturing facilities closing down here in Ireland and the revisitiation of the old 'higher value chain' and knowledge economy debates in the wider context of looming ECB interest rate hikes.
All that and I'm buried in the middle of flash, DW, Premiere, AE, etc totally oblivious to it all while trying to entice eircom to come and sort our BB in the office. Sp now that progress of sorts has been achieved I can glance out from my projects mineshaft and behold it’s The Oscars up this week. Which immediately reminded me that back on feb 02, there were 27 different categories in the Digital Media Awards this year in Ireland, one of the sites in which I regularly participate was invited to enter, or were selected for a long list (as opposed to a short list obviously)
I am lead to believe that the inital invitation/notification was accompanied by the booking costs for the evening and while internal discussions about whether or not the rather expensive table would be booked were on-going, the site didn’t make the shortlist – hmmmmm. nuff said there really. I long ago became aware that oscar votes can be as much about marketing to the academy members as the actual content and talent that they judge – seems this modus operandi may have extended itself into other awards ceremonies, even in little countries like Ireland.
I wait in hope & with baited breath for the frontline awards courting.... (-:
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