Friday, January 27, 2006
The fastest bun on the planet & lots of frog kissing.

So it remains today, a simple rule that applied to buns 30 years ago has the same validity today, the cherries and fresh cream have been replaced by xhtml,CSS,PHP,DVD,HD, Media planning requirements and marketing management techniques. The flour and yeast of creative thinking, collateral and asset development may drive product and service offerings for our clients today and a lot of the time, the client doesn't fully understand the detail of our ingredients, But it sure is prudent for us to display potential prototypes and mock-ups, despite the time commitments.
Armed with such tools we all have a better chance of showing 'applicable capabilities' in context. The one drawback of course is you could find yourself in the 'kissing a lot of frogs scenario' before the prince actually appears i.e. you actually get the gig.
So that's my reason for not blogging yesterday, ( not kissing frogs!) we were actually that consumed working on mock ups for potential clients that would illustrate the 'general visual jist' of what could be achieved on a full budget, the clock passed 12 and a new bloggless day was born. doah...
We'll find out on Monday or Tuesday of next week whether they like it or not.
rib it.
Wednesday, January 25, 2006
One Black and White Button

Thank God today we live in more colourful and hopefully more tolerant times. Technology has contributed to that progress and evolution. Today’s technology is evolving at a faster rate than ever before. So you would hope the progress also.
Today’s digital media tools focus on ease of use, simplicity and intuitive functionality – you also hear the words productivity and value bandied about abit. Lots of talk and speculation in relation to what this tools zenith might actually be ? One button functionality ? Having literally grown up without the software, using something like flash, AE & premiere becomes a joy, no doubt today’s design students look at something like 3Dmax for the first time and recognise the implicit simplicity hiding between all those interface complexities. The promised mergers between technology, artistry, commerce and design are genuinely happening today. However tools remain mere objects until the skills, experience and insight are gained to allow them to become catalysts of expression. Somehow I feel continued evolution towards that ‘single button’ just won’t be as simple as black and white.
Tuesday, January 24, 2006
Kind of Blue Birthday

Miles Davis was a tremendous soloist, innovator and free spirit, yet team player. His range, talent, motivation and improvisation has had few parallels in the world of jazz, either before or after – the man invented two new forms of Jazz.
An inspirational figure without doubt, the terrific truth was that when miles had led the music to a crescendo he was then able to melt back into the main melodies and rhythm of his bands ( All Stars, Nonet, etc) allowing others to shine and caress the limelight.One week on from beginning this blog and our company continues it’s progress apace, so this is a form of birthday blog, (I always feel blue on birthdays.) Yoday I’m playing the cog in the small machine, we’re looking to relocate and find a bigger home for the company, when that happens I’ll be looking for more cogs
Monday, January 23, 2006
the sound of the south of France from here.

Yes, while people like me get their head down to the grindstone, on service work and internal development stuff, other creative people get to swan off to the south of France. Justice ! what justice ?
It's the turn of the musicians today, Midem is currently in full swing in Cannes, the location most famous for MIP and the film festival will play host to hoards of talented and chosen ones, the future of the European music industry will be decided in th evening along the beachfront over a glass of vino collapso.
So while Gerry (pictured) is off doin' his Muso thang, I got to work on some of his company's website today, it's at a sort of foundation stage, what builders in Ireland would call 'first fix' the structure is developing but it need lots of tweaking and loads of hours. Gerry will be out there lashin' out the hits, so you see, even though I haven't moved I pretty much know, at least some of the sounds, goin' down in the south of France.
oui oui bon nuit.