nonsense & incense

Ah yes, after a couple of phone calls, a few meetings and the odd (or perhaps very odd) email, we're pulling together an official launch for dime. As ever there are favors to ask & to do, a venue & food to book, speakers & guests to invite and a whole load of other peripheral stuff to get organized but it's a strange sensation this time round.
I have previously done this event management thing on many many occasions for other people, other companies, other entities but it's my first time doing it for a company I'm so heavily involved with, - and I know this is pretty weird - each time I visualize the event under way, I get this under riding sensation of epitaph or funeral eulogy. Weird I know, but with the opportunity to gather friends, former colleagues with those whom you admire and respect, all together in one place for some stuff you yourself are central to, it does bear some semblance to an interning. Yuck… Is this how artist’s feel when they have opening exhibitions, here I am at what could be my proudest moment to date, a launch of a new era or chapter in my life and I feel like I look like I’m about to go down the pan ? LOL yes I wonder who else laughs at their own blog entries, most would no doubt go back and edit that out, I’m not most.
Please don’t misunderstand me this isn’t about lack of confidence, it’s just one of those gaping holes in my mental inhibitors and suppressors. If you had the opportunity to read Minsky’s society of mind and (perhaps naively) like me adopt it as a roadmap to provide the occasional way point to grow your cerebral processes in an alternative direction, you’re most likely smelling the incense or embers at the launch already. Anyhow that’s merely some of what's going on today.