A hole month
Forget about butter, I can't believe that it's a whole month since my last blog entry, lots of stuff has happened in the interim. Our plans for the launch were overtaken by work, work and more work, Easter was also in there somewhere as evidenced by the chocolate hangovers. We put up a site for our company dime (www.dime.ie) partly because it's easier than continually explaining things repeatedly.
Tomorrow (Friday) was the day we had planned for the official launch - instead we'll be delivering some client stuuf and I'll personally be slaving over a hot printer ensuring we knock out some print materials for a particular gig we're off to: the interactive narrative content seminar or sagasnet in Germany. Which all means I miss a couple of gigs in Dublin tomorrow, the Irish Gamedevelopers Birthday shindig (GD.ie) and the IGDA Ireland Comittee meeting. Bit peaved about it but there you go.
Tomorrow (Friday) was the day we had planned for the official launch - instead we'll be delivering some client stuuf and I'll personally be slaving over a hot printer ensuring we knock out some print materials for a particular gig we're off to: the interactive narrative content seminar or sagasnet in Germany. Which all means I miss a couple of gigs in Dublin tomorrow, the Irish Gamedevelopers Birthday shindig (GD.ie) and the IGDA Ireland Comittee meeting. Bit peaved about it but there you go.
So I don't know where the hole appeared from but it fitted nicely into the last month.
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